Corporate Governance
IRLAB Therapeutics AB (publ) is a Swedish public limited company with its registered office in Gothenburg, Sweden. IRLAB’s share of Series A (IRLAB A) has been traded on Nasdaq Stockholm’s Main Market since September 30, 2020, a move from Nasdaq First North Premier Growth Market where the company has been listed since February 28, 2017. The company follows Nasdaq Stockholm’s Main Market Rule Book for issuers and has applied the Swedish Corporate Governance Code (the Code) since 1 January 2017.
The Code can be read at the website of the Swedish Corporate Governance Board,
IRLAB’s fundamental principles of corporate governance
IRLAB’s corporate governance is built on the Swedish model as defined by the Swedish Companies Act (Sw: aktiebolagslagen), the Swedish Annual Accounts Act (Sw: årsredovisningslagen), the Swedish Corporate Governance Code and accepted business practices.
The purpose is to create a clear division of roles and responsibilities between owners, the Board of Directors and executive management in which these bodies exercise their influence and control in relation to each other.